Infinite Yield FE | IY

Infinite Yield / IY

Infinite Yield is deemed the best admin command script for ROBLOX exploiters. Stability and performance aren't the only thing it contains
Frequent Updates
Infinite Yield features developers who are committed to actively updating and implementing new features into Infinite Yield whenever possible. 

Compatibility Support
The developers of Infinite Yield strive to make Infinite Yield compatible for every single exploit out there. Infinite Yield will run smoothly no matter what exploit you use.

Infinite Yield features a customization panel in the script to ensure that the user, which is you; has the ability to fully customize the colors and the way of how Infinite Yield looks.

Unique Features
Infinite Yield consists of unique features that other command scripts do not have. Ranging from custom commands, and more each update; we'll have your back guaranteed full of awesome commands.



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